BTK - BucaTınaztepe Residential Project, First Stage Buca, İzmir The Buca-Tıııaztepe Residential Project (BTK) is spread over both sides of a valley in the hills of Buca overlookitıg the Gulf of İzmir. İl has been designed for construction in a series of different stages. The fundamental idea behind planning the deveiopment of residential and social facilities for users was that community areas should radiate around a ıuaiıı courtyard. The a ini was a group of buildings offering diverse facilities for users that was easy to access, equipped acrording to their social function and included transitional spaces. The first stage, which is now completed, consists of community areas and svvimming pool, and a platform in the centre of the courtyard vvhere users can gatlıer and which is e.asily accessed from different levels. In order to ameliorate excessive climatic effects during the summer months, the design allows the prevaiiing wind to blowwithout obstruction and opeııs onto the view. Arı advantage of the topography is that the sloping sites allow the blocks to have entrances at both lower and ııpper ground levels. Ali the floors arelinked by galleries and light shafts, the latter simııltaneously acting as wind rhimneys Üıat accelerate rıatural air circulation within the blocks. Vehicle traffic is confined to the periplıery of the site, so leaving maximum space for green areas between the apartment blocks. As a result of the courtyard-garden layoııt throughout the estate, greenery begins in the courtyards and contintıes in the galleries that form the halis of each bJock. The customary restraints of the tunnel formwork system have been given flesibility by means of rational solutions like spaces in the construction mass, wide spans and cantilivers. In view of the repetitition of the façade and continııity of the grid composition, the use of contrasting colours has enabled the monotoııy of full-empty ratios to be avoided and lent the buildings a textural quality. Throughout the project, Iıalls on each floor have been treated as transitional spaces betvveen daily and private life. In ali the blocks the floor halis open onto the façade so that daylight illumination turns them into living spaces. The gallery spaces and light shafts in the floor halis offerboth spatial diversity and encourage neighbourly relations. From design to construction, the project has been completed to LOD 300 standards on the BIM platform,